Marine Store Sell’s and Supply Exclusive and uncommon General Marine Goods like show pic,Paintings, Housekeeping goods, Hardware goods, House cleaning items ,Electronic , Papers ,Stationery’s and Others (New/Old) Goods collection from Foreign ships in Chittagong ship breaking yard Bangladesh.HOT LINE 01998462211 .

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Aluminum foil paper

We have fresh new Diamond brand Aluminum foil paper made in Korea , 
Back papier 38 x 42 cm price 80 tk ,
Cooking foil for barbecue grill ,
size 457 mm x 30 m price 250 tk 
Aluminum foil paper 150 cm x 150 m price 1200 tk,
CALL NOW - Mob: 01818029316- 01711307554,01772271697,
TAG your friends who also want it.


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